Contestants in Pacific Miss Asian Alliance preliminaries at the local and state level compete in these areas:
Each contestant participates in all activities, that will be interviewed with our trainers, committee directors as the judges. Contestants are questioned on their background as presented on their fact sheet, their educational and career goals, their opinions on current events and social issues, and their interests, hobbies and extracurricular activities. Scoring is based on overall communication skills, including personality, attitude, intelligence, validated opinions, emotional control, overall first impression and personal appearance, and whether the contestant possesses the overall qualities and attributes of a Miss America.
Contestants perform a 3 minutes routine of their own choosing. Some possible talents include all types of singing, dancing, gymnastics, instrumental music, dramatic or comedy monologues, baton twirling and ventriloquism. Other talents that can be performed solo on a stage are also possible. Phone or e-mail us if you have a question about your talent presentation. Scoring is based on contestant’s skill and personality, interpretive ability, technical skill level, stage presence and the totality of all elements, including costume, props, voice, use of body and choreography.
Each contestant appears on stage in an outfit of her own choosing, representative of what she would wear to a formal “after five” social event. Pant suits, cocktail dresses and evening gowns are all appropriate for this phase of the competition. Scoring is based on overall first impression, sense of confidence, personality and stage presence, walk and posture, appropriateness of attire and sense of attractiveness
Each contestant briefly appears on stage in a one or two-piece swimsuit and footwear of her own choosing. Swimsuits must be approved prior to competition by the Executive Director of the pageant. Scoring is based on overall first impression, statement of physical fitness and health, overall physique which is pleasing to her height, weight and bone structure, walk, posture and grace, sense of confidence and presence on stage.